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Oral Steroid treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a Ten year retrospective analysis..
Post-operative endocrine function in patients with surgically treated thyrotoxicosis .
Early glottic carcinima: Treatment according patient's preference?
Genetic abnormalities associated with nodal metastasis in head and neck cancer .


 What is Tinnitus?
 Tinnitus is the sound of ringing, roaring, buzzing, or clicking that occurs inside the
 head. The sounds:

      -may come and go
      -may be continuous
      -vary in pitch
      -may occur in one or both ears

 Currently, there are approximately 36 million people in the United States who suffer
 from tinnitus.

 What Causes Tinnitus?
 Tinnitus may result from a variety of causes, including:

      -damage to the nerve endings in the inner ear
      -stiffening of bones in the middle ear
      -advancing age
      -exposure to loud noises
      -high or low blood pressure
      -thyroid problems
      -head or neck injury
      -reaction to certain medications

 Treatment for Tinnitus:
 Specific treatment will be determined by the physician(s) based on:

      -patient's age, overall health, and medical history
      -extent of the disease
      -expectations for the course of the disease
      -patient's tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies
      -patient's (or family's) opinion or preference
 Generally, there is no specific treatment for tinnitus. If a particular cause can be identified, treatment for the cause may reduce or eliminate tinnitus.

 Suggestions for reducing the severity of tinnitus include:

      -avoid loud sounds
      -have blood pressure checked
      -decrease intake of salt, which impairs blood circulation
      -avoid stimulants such as coffee, colas, and tobacco
      -exercise daily to improve blood circulation
      -get adequate rest
      -learn to ignore the sounds of tinnitus as much as possible
      -practice concentration and relaxation exercises
      -hearing aid(s) may reduce the sounds of tinnitus
      -mask the sounds of tinnitus with other, low-level sounds such as a ticking clock or specially-purchased "white noise" products

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